Day 4 with a pistachio

I ate a pistachio today. It wasn’t really that worth it.

I weighed 172 pounds this morning, about 1.5 pounds down from yesterday which was expected, though my expectations have virtually no basis in any reasonable science or math.

Consistently the hardest part of this is the mood. It’s not depression or sadness, really, it’s just being kind of neutral. An overwhelming sense of “meh.” I do still feel joy and smile at things that make me happy, but my motivation for things like contributing (what I like to think were) witty comments to conversations has dwindled to near nothing. It’s probably a combination of energy levels and the lack of at-will snack intake throughout the day, but it’s one of the worst parts of this experiment.

Overall, energy levels are tolerable. I do occasionally have a hard time focusing my eyes, which is a new, unexpected, and not too awesome. I’ve been concerned about the need for glasses lately anyway so maybe this process is making that issue more apparent, or maybe I am slowly dying inside. Who knows? Probably doctors…




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