grunt-require-dir published to npm

I finally published the require-dir task to npm last night so you can now install it alongside your gruntfile with

npm install grunt-require-dir

This task automates the process of grouping files or modules into an AMD container compatible, at least, with requirejs. Essentially “require”-ing a whole directory. I find myself creating module namespaces to group like-content together and this automates that, previously manual, process.

It allows you to turn a directory tree like this
|_ /fixtures
| |_ /texttree
| | |_ /A
| | | |_ one.tmpl
| | | |_ two.tmpl
| | |_ bar.tmpl
| | |_ foo.tmpl


into this

[cc lang=’javascript’]
return {
‘A’ : {
‘one’ : require(“tpl!customDir/A/one.tmpl”),
‘two’ : require(“tpl!customDir/A/two.tmpl”)
‘bar’ : require(“tpl!customDir/bar.tmpl”),
‘foo’ : require(“tpl!customDir/foo.tmpl”)

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