If your “/tmp” mount on a linux filesystem is mounted as overflow (often sized at 1MB), this is likely due to you not specifying “/tmp” as its own partition and your root filesystem filled up and “/tmp” was remounted as a fallback. To fix this after you’ve cleared space, just unmount the fallback and it should remount at its original point:
sudo umount overflow
I had a client whose mail was being delayed for un-explainable reasons, and found the “overflow” mounted /tmp, which was the culprit.
I really want to thank you for the information – I’d never HEARD of overflow before. You’re a life-saver! (Well, my client and I both think so!)
No problem. I hadn’t heard of it either and it was a pain to track down. That’s why I made this post with the search terms I was googling for. Glad it helped!
Thanks! Very useful and succinct.
If you get an error because the device is busy, try the following command, to do a lazy umount:
sudo umount -l /tmp
It worked for me.
Thank you, your post helped me